Wednesday, May 28, 2008

2 days in a row

2 days of excellent weather and riding. What are the chances of that happening?

Travelled along the Washington side of the Columbia River today. 260 miles from Walla Walla to Portland..

The scenery was a little boring at first but then it got pretty spectacular. Qyite a bit different from the rivers we were next to in Idaho. The Columbia is huge. There were 2 or 3 power producing dams and a giant aluminum plant along the way. What the hek is aluminum made from that puts that plant there?

The cool thing about theWA side is that it's not interstate highway like the Oregon side. Sometimes it's down low by the river and sometimes it goes way up. High up it's mostly desert. Lots of wineries too, as well as out by Walla Walla.

It looked like some apple orchards too but it might have been peach. Still more agricultural investigation to do. I'll get back to you on that.

Of course leaving late and poking along the river leisurely put us into Vancouver and Portland right at rush hour. We were stopping by Beaverton to see my 80ish year old Uncle Scott for a quick visit. GPS is not operational at the moment and gettig directions from him was a bit of a trick but we lucked out and found his place easily.

He took us out for a bite and we were quite skeptical when he pulled into a Burgerville!
Figured we could suffer thru it so we went in and lo and behold it can be done. Fast food at a reasonable price that can be good for you. Organic beef, free-range turkey, salads withsalmon. Whoulda thunk? The place was great.

Aiming for the CNC office today. Any chance for 3 in a row?

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