Tuesday, May 27, 2008

bozeman and missoula report

both cool towns, in a hippy, groovy kind of way. The best parts are the historic downtowns. As you can imagine, the sprawling surrounding areas are pretty disgusting. In both towns I felt like I was back in the military. There are pawnshops every 50 yards.

Montana is not a state to see by highway. Too much open space with lots of ick scattered thru it. Granted we couldn't catch any of the majestic views as we were cruisingalong.

Who buys a piece of big sky dreamland that's within view and earshot of the highway? Lots of those houses that I didn't quite understand.

Pretty nice to be back in an area with real food though. Something other than margarine and white bread available. We even managed to get some good organic yogurt. No wonder people think yogurt is nasty. That commercial crap IS nasty.

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