Saturday, June 7, 2008

Ferry #2

Ferry # 2

The Kechikan to Juneau ferry was about 66 feet shorter than the first boat and built about 10 years earlier in '63. It hadn't been renovated as recently either but I think I may have liked it better. Maybe it was just that there were fewer people on it.
No formal dining room on it but the food was still decent.

We each had our own room this time for 2 nights but the first night was a bit short because of a 1:30 sailing. Phil left us after the pie and coffee and we thought we'd kill a few hours in the ferry terminal before we were supposed to check in at 11:30 but unfortunately it was unmanned and locked up solid so we ventured back into town to see what kind of trouble we could get into.

It's pretty amazing how the town dries up immediately after the cruiseships clear out. The stores don't even bother to stay open no matter what time of day it is.

We found a movie theatre playing Indiana jones so we went in. Not that we wanted to see it so bad but it sure beat standing outside freezing our asses off. Unfortunately the movie was half over but again, comfort was the attraction.

We stored our gear in the mgr's office, bought some popcorn and were then told we couldn't go in till the next movie started an hour and a half later. Mark said ' Don't you know who I am?' and the guy came to his senses and let us in.

We were pretty happy for the fact that we could only sit thru half of that movie but when it was over we still had some time to kill so went to the only other place in town that was open. WalMart.

We did our duty and helped support the economy by buying stuff we didn't really need but once again we stayed warm. I'm not sure whose economy we were supporting either.

We finally went back to the terminal and only had to wait about twenty minutes before they opened up. I guess we could've been sissies earlier and rented a hotel room for a few hours but clearly we decided to tough it out.

I tried to nap for a bit as it was well beyond my bedtime but my legs were next to an air vent and it was a concrete floor and I'm pretty sure my body temp was in the low 60's by the time I got up. Then we had to go hang out with our bikes in the cold until they figured that we had suffered long enough and we could spend the next half hour trying to tie the bikes down to almost nothing. By the time we hit the sack it was pretty darn late, or in my body clock, almost time to get up.

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