Monday, June 16, 2008


The only town we had to visit twice except for the out and back legs. It's hardly a town. More like a truck stop but we have a nice clean motel with a decent restaurant and even a little grocery and place to get fuel that isn't the gas station that looks like it burned down a few years ago and hasn't been touched since they put out the fire.

Hopefully I can find some aspirin to keep the ticker working and a razor that doesn't shred my face and maybe some fruit before we leave. Fruit and veggies aren't always available up here and you know how I likes my fruits and veggies.

Today we head to Dawson City, YK thru Chicken, AK. Don't know about cell service or internet for the next few days again. It's tough to tell where they'll have it. Surprisingly some of the dinkiest little places are hooked up and others aren't. Then we head to Watson Lake thru Ross River. Fort Nelson after that, where I take a left, peeling off a couple days early of the original destination of Jasper.

I want to explore northern Canada on my way home. (I know it's not really northern Canada but you know what I mean) I've been across most of southern and the parts I haven't are supposed to be miserable down there so I'm gonna try to stay in the land of trees and lakes as I head East.

If I can keep up the blog, I will. I know Jim's a little bored with my updates unless Brian and Dug are here to stir things up so I may have to rob a bank or save a drowning baby or skin a bear with nothing but my nail clippers to keep him reading. Otherwise I might have to make some stuff up.

Just so nobody's too shocked when tthey catch sight of Mark. I think he's prepping himself to be a contestantt on The Biggest Loser or thinking about becoming the next Jared for Subway. He says his metabolism has shifted now that he's 50. Maybe I'll see if they have any Dexatrim whileI'm at the store.


Anonymous said...

"skin a bear with nothing but my nail clippers"

This will keep me interested. I'm not sure if this or saving the drowning baby will make me appreciate your more. I'll have to think about it.

Keep enjoying the trip and taking pictures.

Kristen said...

I have an idea that adventure will find you.

In other news... YOUR TIRES! Dan told me to hold on to them until I got instructions and I emailed Dan (probably right while you were on your way up to Prudhoe Bay) asking about them but I haven't heard back.