Sunday, June 8, 2008

My turn

June 7th.

Doug here. Thought you'd want a little something from me. Our morning started out with Brian trying for about 1 hour to figure out how to log into the blog site. That was fun.

Got to the dealership and everything was there waiting for us. The bikes looked great, and they were extremely helpful getting us ready to go.

The highlight, at least for me, of this particular point of our trip was Brian packing up his bike and pushing hard enough on one side that he pushed over his bike right there in the dealrship parking lot. The owner had just taken delivery of his brand new $3000 custom paint job 3 wheeler, and Brian's bike just missed it in its was down. Classic stuff. Unfortunately, Brian and one of the shop guys were able to right the bike before I could get a picture of it. Oh well, my spider sense tells me that it will happen again.

Once we were on the road, we prombly took a wrong turn and went about 35 miles in the wrong direction. You'd think it would be tough to go the wrong way in a state that only has 2 highways, but we figured it out somehow. Once on the right track, we made good time, and saw some really cool stuff including a retreating glacier that you could actually walk on.

The next hightlight of the trip was again courtesy of Brian. So, we get stopped along the highyway by a nice lady with a stop sign. They're doing some blasting up ahead, and we have some time to kill. We chat it up with the nice lady, and finally the lead pilot car comes up to us with a trail of cars behind it that had been waiting on the other side. The pilot car pulls into our lane to allow the cars to go by. As if not understanding how the whole pilot car thing works, Brian then squeezes between the oncoming traffic and the pilot car blocking our lane, and proceeds at a nice liesurely pace down the road. Without, of course, the pilot car leading the way. The stop sigh lady looks at me and gives me the "what the crap is he doing" body language. I return with the "how the hell should I know" shoulder shrug. About 300 yards down the road, Brian has an epiphone. Turns back around and joins us. All of us are laughing. Then one of the blasting guys come up to us in his truck. Guy: "is there a problem here?". Doug: "Ya, he's retarded".

1 comment:

OldIron said...

Now things are gettimg interesting. Almost like the movies. Ride on gentlemen!