Monday, June 16, 2008

gay cowboy/trucker look

Mark showed up in Seattle looking scruffy. It felt like someone had used my razor to scrape gum off the carpet and Liz was leaving so I had nobody to look presentable for so I quit shaving a while back. Couldn't stand it any more so I decided to give Brian and Dug a departure treat by showing up for breakfast with a new look. I couldn't pull off the mutton chops but left the stache and soul patch for the above described look, which of course almost got Golden Grahams and milk to come out their noses as well as pee their pants.

Figured I'd wear it for a few days but when I was getting a massage at Chena Hot Springs the therapist (some chick with a made up exotic name that lived in Maui and on a boat off Catalina Island and...and...and...(of course all I'm thinking is 'when the hell is my massage gonna start?')). Anyway, during the massage she's asking me if there are any females in our group or if it's just a bunch of guys traveling together but it didn't seem like a pickup line it was more like 'what the hell is up with that stashe?' Being as secure as I am in my sexuality I went back to the room and pulled out my rusty razor.

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