Wednesday, June 4, 2008

stage 2 - day 1 riding

We rode for more than an hour in delightful Seattle area traffic before it thinned out and we pulled over for me to get petrol. At the station Mark noticed that he had gear oil splattering all over his back tire. After a bit of investigating and time on the phone with the dealer we decided to keep aiming for the ferry because if we missed it we'd be driving all the way to Alaska.

It turns out that I'm the only one with a toolkit of any substance.
Dan's bike didn't come with one but he figured he'd sponge off of Mark's since he had earlier checked with the dealer and confimed that yes, Mark's brand new bike did come with a toolkit. You know those crappy little tools that come free with some p.o.s. you bought from China? Those tools make Mark's kit look silly. Maybe if Mark had spent a few more dollars on his bike he woulda gotten a real toolkit and a bike that didn't leak oil.

BTW, my bike didn't come with a toolkit either but somehow I managed to put one together that will hopefully get us out of most jams. Otherwise it's the satellite phone and AAA and sit and wait with bear spray in hand.

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