Wednesday, June 4, 2008

first ferry

We showed up a little late for the ferry because of our little mechanical and other delays. We got yelled at but it turned out nicely cuz we only had to wait about a half hour to load, whereas the other bikes had been waiting in the queue for hours.
We strapped the bikes in place and headed for our room. On this leg of the trip we are all sharing a 4 bunk room. A little tight but not bad at all. Pretty much what I expected. It's like a little crummy cruiseship. Not that I've ever been on a cruiseship. You know, the whole it takes a gallon of fuel to go one foot thing. In this case the ferry is already going this way :-))
The scenery's pretty sweet. Lots of trees. Lots of rocks. Lots of water. Lots of mountains. Lots of snow. Who woulda guessed.
There's a 24 hour snack bar with decent food and a real restaurant with decent food and a recliner lounge that plays movies, a cocktail lounge (that of course I can't ever seem to get Mark out of), a couple of forward viewing rooms and a bunch of outside areas to hang out on, as long as you don't mind standing. All the chairs are snagged by the poor people that can't afford berths. The people that aren't quite that poor brought their tents and set them up on the deck. It actually looks like fun and think that's the way I would do it on a return run with the bicycle or car.

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