Thursday, June 26, 2008

OK, Montana is growing on me. At least some parts

And I don't think it's because there seems to be a fair number of hotties, at least in certain areas. Not that I pay attention to that kind of thing seeing that I'm quite happy with my 'better than a wife'. I'm just sayin.

Dang this state is big. Something like 680 miles across. I jumped off the highway again after only about 50 miles to head north, then east, then north, then east....I think their compasses only worked in quadrants out here when they were building the roads.

There are white crosses staked in the ground every 100 yds or so it seems, to honor those killed in car accidents. Do you think it has anything to do with the 70mph speed limits on 2 lane roads? Nah, me neither.

Speaking of which, I squeezed out a quick 535 today, with only 50 of it on the highway. Rode through some really pretty stuff and some really ugly stuff. Temperature went up and down with the elevation. You can go from 5000 feet here to 3000 feet without really noticing except for the temp.

Decided to go through the old hometown of Glasgow. We lived there for a couple of years in the early 60's when my father was stationed there for the Air Force. I considered staying there, or at least taking a picture but I was on the other side of town before I even realized it and figured it was hardly worth turning around. No evidence of the air force base. I wonder why. I'm guessing they looked around one day and said 'what the hell are we doing here?" My father helped build a 6 hole golf course there that had to have greens made out of wetted down sand if that gives you any picture of what the place looks like (and how much my father likes golf)

Saw some deer today
Saw some antelope too.
They weren't playing.
Didn't hear any discouraging words but then again I hardly talked to anyone.
Sky had plenty of clouds all day, but they were the nice fluffy kind.

I'm just sayin.

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