Sunday, June 8, 2008

Denali Highway

The day started with a quick 50 on pavement to Paxson before we turned onto the Denali Hiway, 130 miles of the funnest dirt road I've ever ridden a motorcycle on.

We rode all stinkin day with breathtaking scenery and pretty much had the road to ourselves. Moose sightings. No bears.

Awesome pie at this little shack in the middle of nowhere about halfway. Met a couple of hunters that met each other hunting in the backcountry of Minnesota on 9/11. Their pickup plane didn't show up till days afterward and they had no idea why but figured it definitely wasn't good.


matriach said...

Mark - Happy Birthday for tomorrow. I hope you like your present.
I like the mountain man look. Mom

Unknown said...

You saw moose and did take any photos??? I'm very disappointed.

mick said...

The photos usually come later because they have to find a drug store to get them developed, right guys? ;-)

We saw a bear in our backyard here in Hamden last week so we're ahead in the bear count (for now).

Doug's love child said...

How's the temperature right now? We are in a bit of a heatwave, might hit 100F.

How much you guys paying for petrol, $3.19- $3.35 for the regular stuff here.

Doug's love child said...

In my excitement to post I made a mistake on the petrol prices here, should read $4.19-$4.35

pearlandTX said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARK!!! What's on the agenda for today? Whatever it is, I hope it is worthy of your new age status, "grown up" ;-) Have a 5.0 day!

Paul, you really are a good blogger. Thanks for the great read. Keep the smiles coming. :-)

Have fun ya'll and be safe.