Thursday, June 19, 2008

Uhh, Jamie. We lost Mark

While riding on the Top of the World Highway (which is very cool in a differnt way than all the other icredble majestic scenery we've been driving in view of. This stuff you're acually riding on top of the same incredible scenery you were looking at a while back.) I saw a perfect opportunity for a little side trip down a 4 wheeler path. All went well until we tried to turn around in the perma-frost off th trail. Eventually we got it and Dan and I were satisfied with the adventure but not Mark. At the next rest spot he sees a hillclimb in the distance he wants to try. Our discouragement didn't work. We told him we'd watch him tumble down from our comfy little spot where we were.

what we didn't plan on is that after 15 minutes of not seeing him come out of the treeline we couldn't even find the trailhead we thought we would when we proceeded down the road to the spot where we figured he'd still be trying to pick his bike up out of the ditch.

No trailhead. No Mark. Just ditch, so we figure he just went in search of the next trail. We searched and searched the next 20 miles all the way down to the ferry. No Mark. Did he beat us to the ferry and cross on his own? You would think not but then you haven't been traveling with him for the past few weeks or hadn't spent the previous day driving an extra 110 miles looking for them.

So we go back searching (only because I promised Jamie and a few others I'd do my best to get him back alive) for any spot he may have turned off until we see a pile of rocks and boards piled up in the ditxh to signal us of the trailhead. There was the giant RV parked in the middle of the road with an old lady in it too. Mark had flagged them down and convinced the old guy to hike up the hill to help him pick up the bike he had dumped, just like we told him would happen, and he wouldn't be able to pick up on his own, just like I've been telling him he wouldn't be able to since I dumped my bike over in Houston the day I bought it. But luckily Mark is smarter than we are and the story doesn't include the old guy dropping dead of a heart attack or of us missing the last ferry and having to all spend the night on the wrong side of the river crammed in our only tent (the one I brought) or, oh yeah, us having to tell Jamie that we lost her husband somewhere in the Yukon.


Anonymous said...

Wow - looking for someone for 110 miles? Now how could that have possibly have happened if everyone stays together? I wonder if the "smart" one of the group (read Paul) took off early to get waaay ahead of the group to boost his ego? :) mm - probably not.. Seems like an efficient time wasting method and stress inducer for everyone. Thanks for going back to look for Mark though. My guess is the Karma would improve greatly (no 3 men in a tent) if ya'll stuck together.. any Moron should be able to figure that out! (oh, BTW - Paul called me a "Moron" about 100 times on our trip so he fully deserved at least one back..) This is too funny! - Dug and i got out just in time. I think the term is "spinning your wheels".

Mastercam said...

Let's see. 8 days. 100 times. Seems about right. And for the record I called you an idiot, not a moron.

Yeah, this crazy daredevil streak in me makes me go almost as fast as the speed limit sometimes.

Anonymous said...

See what i mean - i'm even wrong about being a moron! I think that makes me an idiot but You Know Who could answer that better.. :) Gee i miss Paul..